When you feel an emotion do you allow yourself to really feel it so it you can process it and then let it go?
Or do you push it down and suppress it so you don’t feel or show it at all?
Or do you only feel fear of feeling your feelings?
We all need to feel our feelings and our emotions because, whether they are good or bad, they will pass. If we don’t allow ourselves to feel our feelings then they won’t pass. They will remain clogged up in our system and make us feel constipated in some way, often physically and mentally, as well as emotionally.
Suppressing our emotions is like trying to keep a blown-up beach ball under the water. We keep pushing it under and it takes so much effort to keep it there, but every now and then, we lose hold of it and it comes bursting out of the water and explodes into the air. Anger, in particular, can be especially like that and often when it explodes out of us, it is not at the person we were really angry with in the first place.
When we try to keep our feelings under wraps, they don’t go away anywhere but stay inside us and ferment and eventually rot. They often cause physical illness or dis-ease if we don’t allow ourselves to really feel them, acknowledge them and process them in an appropriate manner.
So being real and true to our self is important on so many levels for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It is all about being authentic. It will help us accept the reality of the situation we are in, how we feel about it and what we need to do to change it.
Accepting our reality will empower us to act in a way that is supportive of our true self, which will leave us feeling positive and help us to create the life we desire. That is not to say that only good things will happen to us, as life will bring both good and not so fun challenges our way.
“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.” ~ Shannon Alder
An excerpt from the book ‘Get The BALLS to Get REAL’
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